If you have old sheets and you are tired of them, it is possible to turn them into a beautiful braided rug. These are simple to make, and they can be used to decorate any area of your home. Here are the steps:
Rag rugging with chiffon
Rag rugging is a fun and creative way to upcycle old and unwanted fabrics. It is particularly useful with chiffon. This material is a thin, lightweight fabric that can add some extra floatiness to a design. However, it can also be tricky to work with.
If you are a beginner at rag rugging, you may find it easier to begin with a braided rug. This method uses varying lengths of scraps to form a continuous circle. You can use any type of fabric for this method.
The material that you choose to make your rug from will depend on your design. For instance, cotton works well with a lot of different patterns. On the other hand, linen tends to be a little tougher to work with.
Try to pick a fabric that you like. Make sure that you test your material to ensure that it’s soft enough. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a flat rag rug.
When cutting your strips, try to overlap the material at the bottom of your rug. This will help to keep your rectangles even in size. To cut your strips, you can use a rotary cutter.
If you want a more durable rug, you can tie the ends of your strips together. By doing this, you can prevent them from falling out.
Use a safety pin to secure the fabric for the braiding process. As you braid, it is important that you coil the fabric into a spiral. Using a loose zigzag stitch is recommended for this.
When you are finished, you can sew the strips to the base of the rag rug. Other materials that you can use for edging include towels, bed sheets, and shower curtains. These will add texture and a different pattern to your rag rug.
If you’re using a sewing machine, you should backstitch at the start of the sewing process. However, you don’t need to do this for a braided rag rug.
A rag rug can be created from just about any material. Most offcuts from other crafts will make great material. Just be sure to experiment with different fabrics before committing to a project.

Stitching a tight turn of the braid to make a circular rug
Using old bed sheets and some t-shirt yarn you can make an oval or circular rug from your old sheets. This type of rug is similar to a crocheted rug, and the rugs can be finished at any size you like. Depending on your skill level you can either start by sewing the strips together, or you can just start by braiding them into strips.
To begin making a braid, cut a piece of fabric approximately three and a half inches wide. Make sure it is the same material all the way through. Use a blunt threading device to work the strands into the rug in turn. The device should be round, but not have a sharp end.
Start by pulling one of the strands through the back of the slit. Then, pull the new strand through the front.
Next, insert the needle into the loop. You can use a toothpick, but you can also use a crochet hook. A hula hoop is another method.
Then, begin stitching a tight turn. As you stitch the curves, add two stitches to each side of the curve. These stitches will keep the rug flat.
To do this, make a few more stitches in the braid. At the ends of each strand, you may want to pull the strand closer to the center. It will be easier to braid these strips if they are closer to each other.
Before you can stitch a tight turn of the braid, you need to coil it in a circle. Here you will need to pull the loop through a basic stitch. After you have done this, you should be ready to continue the stitch.
For more tips and tricks on making a braided rag rug, check out Erin’s videos. Or, if you would rather make your own, you can read her blog.
A homemade braided rug is a fun project. However, it takes a lot of effort to pull a t-shirt yarn into strips. If you are looking to save money and get a long-lasting rug, then T-shirt yarn is a good option.

Choosing yarn to make a braided rug
If you have an old bed sheet, or maybe an old sweatshirt, you may want to make a braided rug for your home. These rugs can be a great addition to any living room, especially if you want to add some warmth and charm to your space.
Whether you are sewing the braiding strips or hand stitching them, the process of making a braided rug is fairly simple. The first thing you need to do is pick three different colors. You can mix and match the colors, or choose one color and use different shades of the same color to create a band of color.
When choosing yarn, you should choose durable fabrics that are both soft and resistant to moisture. Wool is best, but polypropylene and polypropylene blends are also safe for your rug. For braided rugs made with synthetic materials, you can cut them into strips.
To sew the braiding strips, you will need a blunt threading device. It must be round to prevent snags.
When sewing the strips together, try to keep them at an even tension. Too loose a stitch will result in a floppy, frilly rug, and too tight a stitch will cause your woven fabric to bunch up on the edges. Using a thimble or binder clip will help you prevent the braid from unraveling.
Once you have your fabric, it is time to begin the actual braiding step. It can take a few days to do this. Try to start at the beginning, or at a spot halfway between the middle and end of the strip.
After braiding, you will have to stretch the fabric to keep it from bunching up. Also, make sure to pull the strands gently. A tight stitch will buckle your rug, so try to stretch the braid before you begin sewing.
When you finish, you can unbraid the fabric at a spot one foot from where you want the rug to stop. You can then sew the ends together, or use a running stitch. This will give you a neat finish.
Traditionally, these rugs are made of wool, but you can also use cotton or a synthetic blend. Cotton is softer and more vibrant. Polypropylene will not stain, and is safe for children.