How Long Does It Take For Spackle to Dry

Depending on the type of spackle you are using, it may take anywhere from an hour to several days for the spackle to dry. If you are going to be using a more liquid-like product, you can expect that it will dry much faster. However, if you are using a more solid substance, such as vinyl-based or epoxy-based spackle, it will typically take a day or two to dry.

Fast-drying vs regular spackle

In the construction industry, there are two main types of spackling: fast drying and normal. Both have different properties and require specific techniques.

Fast dry spackling is a powder that dries quickly. However, this type of spackling is a bit more difficult to work with. The best way to use fast-drying spackle is to mix it with water before applying it.

Traditional spackle is a paste-like substance that hardens after a period of time. This makes it good for fixing small holes and dents in walls. Typically, this type of spackle dries in around two hours.

Another type of spackling is epoxy-based. This is the kind you’d use to repair a damaged piece of wood or stone. It dries in two to 24 hours, depending on the type.

There are a few factors that affect the drying time of spackling. These factors include the type of compound, temperature, and humidity. If you are attempting to dry spackling in an extremely humid environment, you may need to add extra time to the process.

If you want to save time on drying spackle, consider using a fan or air conditioner. A hairdryer can also speed up the process. Set it on cool, and ensure that the hair dryer is clean.

Epoxy-based vs acrylic-based

If you’re looking to repair or patch up your drywall, it’s important to know which type of spackle is right for you. There are several types available, all with different drying times.

application of putty
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on Pexels

The type of spackle you choose depends on the size and depth of the repair. Epoxy-based is ideal for larger holes, while acrylic is a good choice for smaller ones.

Both are durable, but epoxy will have more strength and durability. It also has a higher abrasion resistance and can be used outdoors. On the other hand, acrylic is water-resistant and flexible. This means it will not crumble or deform when dry.

Epoxy is a bit more time-sensitive, so you need to allow for the gel and cure time. However, it does have better adhesion and cover power, so it will last longer.

For an additional layer of protection, you can use an epoxy floor coating. You’ll be able to choose from a variety of colors and finishes. These coatings are abrasion-resistant and offer great protection from spills and chemical spills.

While epoxy and acrylic are both water-resistant, they have different properties and curing times. Epoxy will take a few hours to dry while acrylic can take up to a day.


Vinyl-based spackle takes longer to dry than conventional spackle. It can take between 2 and 5 hours to dry completely. The length of time depends on the amount of spackle used, as well as environmental factors.

Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on Pexels

While standard spackle can be applied in just a few hours, vinyl-based spackle must be dried before applying another layer. If you want to fill a hole up to 34 of an inch, you’ll need to apply multiple layers.

As a general rule of thumb, if you’re working in a cool and humid climate, you’ll need a longer drying time. This is because the air molecules saturate the spackle. Alternatively, you can speed up the drying process by setting up fans or using a dehumidifier.

Other environmental factors to consider are temperature and humidity. Drying times also vary depending on the type of spackle and the quality of the product.

The faster the drying process, the less time you’ll need to spend repairing the damage. You can try to make the drying process quicker by keeping the room temperature at about 50 degrees Fahrenheit. However, it is also important to keep in mind that high humidity slows the process.

When purchasing a new type of spackle, read the instructions on the label. Some will require you to add water, while others come in powder form.